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Coming Toward – An Interpretive Video

There is a song by David Crowder called “Coming Toward” It is an instrumental piece that is repetitive but it keeps building the intensity until finally it resolves. It’s an amazing piece. Anyways, whenever I listen to it an amazing imagery comes to mind and I’ve been seeing it for months. While I would have […]

You don’t have to be a natural conversat

You don’t have to be a natural conversationalist if you are a charming listener.  This is such a rare gift that it trumps many other social graces.  Your deep wells of empathy will help you develop this skill. This was another horoscope of mine… someone must be watching me because this is so me to […]

Sitting at Jesus side

James & John wanted to sit at the right and left side of Jesus, I don’t think that went over well because, and I am assuming, they were hoping for higher positions in heaven than just angels. But for whatever reason, my limited Christian education always gave way for an image of my loved ones […]

What is God’s Plan?

God doesn’t tell us his plan for us. He does that for a reason. So that way we can never fail him. They say that everything happens for a reason, and it’s all part of God’s plan. The point is, we do not know what God’s plan is for us. We have dreams. We have goals in life. We may or may not see them come true.

Inspiring Future Authors

Keep your eyes peeled for Deana, future author of a series of horse rescue stories, because this young author is letting her imagination Run Wild! I met Deana at the Utopia Fall Festival three years ago. She loved to read, wanted to write,  and was a joy to talk with. This was the year I […]

Children NEED their Imagination

Author Kathleen J. Shields

One of the most inspirational and rewarding moments I’ve ever had when meeting with students was the day I showed a class of first grade students how important their imagination is. After reading a Hamilton Troll Book to this group of students we started talking about what it’s like to be an author – to […]

Pet Cemetery | The Inspiration behind th...

Ghost Dogs - The inspiration behind the book

Last year while driving to a trade show in Utopia Texas I passed by an old sign that said something to the effect of “Hill Country’s Oldest Pet Cemetery”. As I continued to drive on this very long winding Texas road I started thinking to myself how Stephen King ruined it for everybody. His book […]

The Labyrinth

Our church has a labyrinth, a place to find the loving spirit of the Lord. This was my journey from a while back… I had a similar experience today, one where I was placed in a position where I got to enlighten someone else. I felt it was time to reflect. Located at the top […]

God Moments for Easter

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books

In March my grandfather passed away. While emotionally trying, I have to admit, the frequent and blatant God Moments assisted the grieving process in a way that made the entire time, dare I say it – pleasant. KNOWING that my grandfather was with God and the rest of my family; my mom, my aunt, my […]

National Poetry Month – Be Great!

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books

April marks the month where schools, libraries, publishers, poets, and booksellers celebrate the importance of poetry in our lives. …So I didn’t want to let the month go by without posting at least one poem. Did you know there are 55 types of poetry forms? There’s a ballad, a couplet, an epitaph, free verse, haiku, […]

Sitting at Jesus Side Part 2: Reincarnat...

In a previous post, I was thinking about the idea of sitting at Jesus side, or at the very least having some time to socialize with Jesus upon arrival to heaven. Mathematically, I determined that 1.8 people die every second which led to an average of one person per side, per second for all eternity. […]

Which came first God or the Believer?

Which came first God or the Believer? Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books

Like the old phrase which came first the chicken or the egg, this idea came to me earlier today. It made me really think because there are so many ways we can go with this question. God came first – he made the universe. We wouldn’t exist without him. The Believer came first – without […]