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It is too easy to not listen to Jesus

This morning our pastor gave quite a powerful sermon. The story may be “Jesus is coming,” but her message was “He’s already here.”  At the end she asked, would you kneel before Jesus… And she knelt down. I thought, “I should kneel down too.” God put it in my head and twice I ignored him. […]

Don’t do crossword puzzles in pen

BJW The other day a friend  posted something on her timeline. She recalled a conversation she had once had with her father. She remembered the media making a big deal over a man who used a pen to complete crossword puzzles while her father always used pencil. She asked him about that and this is […]

Follow Me – Who am I?

Every social media site has their ‘thing’. Facebook is like, Twitter is tweet, LinkedIn is link, Pintrest is Pin, and a blog has follow. It wasn’t until Sunday at church that it occurred to me how conceited that is. Who am I to ask you to follow me? Jesus said, “Come, Follow Me and I […]

Stop Waiting for Life to Begin

It occurred to me the other day, that we are all waiting for something. When we are younger we are waiting for the next day. We’re waiting for school to end, waiting for the week to end, we’re waiting for the year to end. Then we wait for the summer to end, wait until junior […]

Step up to the bat

Our pastor this Sunday was discussing “The Purpose Driven Life” where the author used the illustration of a baseball diamond as the progression of a Christian life. 1st Base: bring people to faith where they give their life to Christ. 2nd Base: We help them grow in Christ through Sunday School. 3rd Base: We help […]

Life is like a….

What IS life like? A box of chocolates? Sweet, yummy, melts in the sun? A bag of chips? Salty and filling but leaves your hands dirty? A camera? Capturing the good moments but getting out of focus during action shots? A blanket? Keeping you warm on cold nights until your spouse rolls over and takes […]

How can we eradicate evil?

From the beginning of time, there has been evil. What is evil? The opposite of good, some would say.  But to eradicate anything not good would be to remove free will which is what evil is. Not that all free will can turn out bad, that is why God gave us free will. He wants […]

Nature can be so cruel – evil ants!

I understand about survival of the fittest. I can comprehend that the weakest will be picked off by the strongest, the biggest goes after the smallest. I understand that hyenas will eat the old, vultures will eat the dead and cats will chase mice. I get it. What I don’t understand is why ants will […]

Robin Williams… Why?

As with the rest of the world, I am reeling over the loss of (in my opinion) one of the best comedians I’ve ever known. I grew up with Mork, sitting on my head on the couch and saying nanu nanu – shasbot. I escaped to Club Paradise every summer not quite understanding most of […]

National Poetry Month – Why Do I Write i

author kathleen shields interview about poetry

Poetry, to me, is a very memorable form of storytelling. Like music, when your favorite song comes on, it’s not only the beat and the rhythm that gets you moving, it’s also the lyrics. Poetry is the same way. Quite a few authors are inspired by emotional situations, and that inspiration flows out of that person like music flows out of a radio. This is why, in my opinion, it is important to do rhyming children’s books. My goal as an author is to get children as excited about reading and writing poetry as I am. I hope you consider checking out my poetry book, “A Rhyme for Everything” or “The First Unibear” or any of my Hamilton Troll children’s books.
#poetry, #author, #childrensbooks, #awardwinning

Smurphy’s Last Video

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books hamilton troll

In Memory of SMURPHY My Beloved Son Smurphy was a red-haired golden retriever that was left, abandoned by the mail boxes in our neighborhood. When we found him, it took a lot of coaxing to get him to come to us, and quite a while to earn his trust. He soon became MY dog, and […]

Advice from the Ocean – A Poem

The other day I came across this picture and I just had to share it – yet I decided to add in my own two cents as well… and since poetry seems to flow through me like air… Be Shore of Yourself When standing on the edge between water and sand, Go ahead and jump, […]

A Blessed Memorial Day

Of all of the reasons,     of all of the people,         of all of the pictures,              and all of the messages… Memorial Day is about this…           No caption,               no sentence,                   no title,                       can say it more appropriately                           than the feeling you feel in your heart,                               when you […]

Tomorrow will never arrive…

I’ll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow is only a day away. But by the time tomorrow gets here it is already today and so we have to wait for the next tomorrow which never gets here because again, it is today… it is an ever revolving cycle of spinning wheels if you always wait until tomorrow, […]