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Nomination: Very Inspiring Blog Award

What a wonderful surprise! Apparently my Mothers Day blog was nominated for the “Very Inspiring Blog Award”. This is a wonderful treat as I had no idea blogging could be so rewarding. I have always intended this blog be inspirational and educational, and am thrilled to know that my heartfelt post about my late mother […]

Honoring Mom on Mother’s Day

What do you get mom on such an important day? A card? Flowers? Candy?  How about a book written by you, illustrated with love and given with the smile only pride could bring out.  That is exactly what I did to honor my mother, even though my mom is no longer with me… Thinking back […]

Where do you get the ideas for your stor...

Where did you get the idea for the Hamilton Troll stories? While at tradeshows, book signings and reading; I often get asked the above question. How did I come up with the name Hamilton? Where did the story idea come from? How do you come up with more stories of the series?  Let me address […]

Be a Good You and Let Them Through

The other day I was stuck in traffic, construction traffic, with no shoulders, no turn lanes and then came the train.  Cars were backed up as far as the eye could see and we waited… And waited. Finally the train ended, the gates went up and the traffic started flowing – slowly. As my side […]

DEAR Texas Radio Interview Part 9

Interviewed by DEAR TEXAS Radio: Author Kathleen J. Shields tells all! These past weeks I’ve posted clips from my radio interview from Wimberley Valley Radio 94.1 FM KWVH and their latest show DEAR Texas Radio. The last two questions, in my opinion, were the most important because they gave me a chance to inspire others. […]

Eat flies – Date a pig – Live your dream

The other day I saw this Kermit the Frog billboard and while it made me laugh, it also made me think – this is exactly what I keep saying! No matter what your dream is; how weird, crazy, difficult, adventurous, impossible or far away – follow your dreams. If you don’t do it – no […]

Unibear Wins Multiple Book Awards!

The First Unibear childrens book by author Kathleen J Shields wins multiple awards

I am beyond thrilled with the positive reception that “Unibear” has received in the world! So many awards. So much recognition. So many outstanding reviews! I want to thank my readers, my fans, and my future readers for buying this book, leaving reviews and telling your friends and family about it. Your encouragement and assistance in getting the word out helps to place a positive message into children’s hands. Keep up the good work, and share, share, share!

Two Stories and then the Truth

Another concept regarding perceptions – I loved this graphic! They say: There are two sides to every story – and then there is the truth.  Some people are incapable of understanding this. They know their side of the story and are unable to see any other side. It’s kind of a great explanation of the split in […]

It’s not Education if it’s Fun… It’s Enl

Education – acquiring knowledge through teaching and instruction. Enlightenment – giving or imparting knowledge by removing the dimness from one’s eyes or heart. These two definitions talk about gaining knowledge, the difference is the means to the end. Learning lessons, through any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or […]

You can’t have a rainbow without a littl

Life is hard. When it is easy, it seems that it is only the lull before the storm. Something will happen. Something will test you. Something will make you want to cry. Whatever it is, those tears need to be shed. Whether in silence at night when everyone is asleep or bawling and screaming in […]

Stop waiting for life to start

The other night I woke up in a panic, out of breath, with thoughts of all of the things I needed to do, that were coming up, and I was looking forward to. From Christmas wrapping, shipping and giving, parties, dinners and events, to upcoming readings, tradeshows and work. Again I realized that all of […]