As always, this time of year leads people to pause and consider what all we are so thankful for. It’s one of the best times of year because, if we do it right, it forces us to look at the silver linings in our lives and appreciate them. Our daily lives can be so stressful. […]
Give credit where credit is due
Great discoveries and improvements invariable involve the cooperation of many minds. I may be given credit for having blazed the trail but when I look at the subsequent developments I feel the credit is due to others rather than to myself. – Alexander Graham Bell AMEN! I feel the same way! I work very hard […]
Count Your Blessings
When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. – Someone said “I count my blessings everyday” in a conversation the other day and it got me thinking. […]
Thank You Postcards from the Children!
So an absolutely amazing letter came in the mail today. I did a reading at an elementary school in San Marcos last week and was again able to share my writing enthusiasm with the children. The smiles on their faces, hands in the air for participation, the exorbitant number of them who actually liked to […]
Thank You To My Friends
Someone posted a meme the other day that really resonated with me. It said:
“You don’t realize how antisocial you are
until there’s a pandemic and nothing much changes in your life.”
With this stay-at-home order in various cities around me and across the country, everyone is seemingly going stir-crazy. They aren’t used to being stuck at home, having nothing to do… but for weeks – nothing much has changed in MY life.
Be a Good You and Let Them Through
The other day I was stuck in traffic, construction traffic, with no shoulders, no turn lanes and then came the train. Cars were backed up as far as the eye could see and we waited… And waited. Finally the train ended, the gates went up and the traffic started flowing – slowly. As my side […]
Unibear Wins Multiple Book Awards!
I am beyond thrilled with the positive reception that “Unibear” has received in the world! So many awards. So much recognition. So many outstanding reviews! I want to thank my readers, my fans, and my future readers for buying this book, leaving reviews and telling your friends and family about it. Your encouragement and assistance in getting the word out helps to place a positive message into children’s hands. Keep up the good work, and share, share, share!
You never know what’s in store – GRWC
What an interesting day! It started out before sunrise Saturday. I was drinking my first cup of coffee when the windows illuminated a brilliant pinkish red color – Uh oh, I thought. Red skies in the morning, sailors warning. My mother’s voice echoed in my head. This was a bad omen. Is this going to […]
Thank You with Pictures!
This weekends Celebration of Authors dinner in Austin was amazing! Not only did we get to meet some amazing Texas talent, eat a wonderful meal and receive awards and recognition for our books, we were blessed by God! From one conversation to the next, I heard inspirational stories, faith-based discussions, conversations of prayer, thank yous […]
A Blessed Memorial Day
Of all of the reasons, of all of the people, of all of the pictures, and all of the messages… Memorial Day is about this… No caption, no sentence, no title, can say it more appropriately than the feeling you feel in your heart, when you […]
Award-Winning Book – First Place
Excellent news Hamilton Troll fans… We WON the 2014 Texas Association of Authors Book Contest for Best Children’s Book under 7! That is right! Hamilton Troll meets Dinosaurs is now an Award-Winning Book! . I know I couldn’t have done it without my super talented illustrators Leigh A. Klug and Carol W. Bryant whom I […]