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No Resolutions for 2014

What are resolutions anyway? It is the process of resolving a problem. But what if you don’t have a problem? Just kidding… Actually, I say if your resolutions are to lose weight, quit smoking, get organized, or spend less, you are doomed to fail (shy 8% – which is the statistic of those who actually succeed […]

Laughter is the best medicine.

What was it that said you should laugh every day?  Have you ever gone a day without laughing? A chuckle, a giggle a simple smile? I know that when I am stressed out, even funny jokes don’t get me laughing. Sometimes I hear my husband barrel laughing so loud he’s falling out of his chair […]

To escape criticism – do nothing, say no

Oh those dreaded rejection letters! Your story doesn’t fit us, your story isn’t marketable, you can’t write… I made that last one up, they don’t say that anymore (political correctness and all) but it used to happen. Did you know that Rudyard Kipling was told he didn’t know how to use the English language and […]

The most motivational words in history: ...

I betcha can’t guess what this is. I betcha can’t beat this. I betcha can’t hold your breath for… I betcha can’t have just one. I betcha can’t do this… I betcha can’t catch me. Life, for me, is an I betcha can’t enticement, pushing me harder and harder to successfully accomplish each goal. In […]

The busy have no time for tears.

  The busy have no time for tears. Lord Byron When I read that I immediately fell back in time to the day my mom was killed. From the moment after I hung up after the first phone call from the police, until, oh, about 10 months later, I was so busy, I hardly had […]

Life is about the moments not the things...

The other day I was talking with a friend and we got into a deep philosophical conversation about life.  She had been the primary caretaker for her mother (a scene I know all too well) and was describing everything that needed to be done.  This needs to be gotten. I need to pick this up. […]

There are three things you can not recov...

There are three things you can not recover in life, the MOMENT after it’s gone, the WORD after it’s said and the TIME after it’s wasted. – Carpe diem – Seize the day Think before you speak. Stop playing games. – God gives you the exact number of opportunities that you will get in life […]

Stick to it – like a postage stamp

If you’ve written a story, publish it. Once it’s published, market it. Once you start marketing, never stop!  Stick to it like crazy glue. Attach your dream to that item and hold fast. Bond with it. Make it part of your heart, your soul… you are joined together like Siamese twins.  Talk about it. Dream […]

Ability is nothing without opportunity

Ability is of little account without opportunity. Napoleon Bonaparte Do you know why American Idol, So you think you can Dance and America’s Got Talent are so popular?  The same reason Star Search and Soul Train was so popular in the 80’s. Because people with talent need a place to showcase said talent.  They need […]

People think I’m disciplined. It’s not d

People think I’m disciplined. It’s not discipline. It’s devotion. There is a great difference. Luciano Pavarotti I’m not disciplined. I don’t write an hour every day like “they” say you are supposed to. I work. I have a day job and I have a lot to do with just marketing what I have muchless find […]