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Stop waiting for life to start

The other night I woke up in a panic, out of breath, with thoughts of all of the things I needed to do, that were coming up, and I was looking forward to. From Christmas wrapping, shipping and giving, parties, dinners and events, to upcoming readings, tradeshows and work. Again I realized that all of […]

Coming Toward – An Interpretive Video

There is a song by David Crowder called “Coming Toward” It is an instrumental piece that is repetitive but it keeps building the intensity until finally it resolves. It’s an amazing piece. Anyways, whenever I listen to it an amazing imagery comes to mind and I’ve been seeing it for months. While I would have […]

Sitting at Jesus side

James & John wanted to sit at the right and left side of Jesus, I don’t think that went over well because, and I am assuming, they were hoping for higher positions in heaven than just angels. But for whatever reason, my limited Christian education always gave way for an image of my loved ones […]

What is God’s Plan?

God doesn’t tell us his plan for us. He does that for a reason. So that way we can never fail him. They say that everything happens for a reason, and it’s all part of God’s plan. The point is, we do not know what God’s plan is for us. We have dreams. We have goals in life. We may or may not see them come true.