At a glance, The First Unicorn may appear to be a charming children’s story with spiritual undertones, but it’s much more—a mosaic of morality, a critique of modern fads, and a reimagining of divine gifts.
The 5300 Year History of Unicorns and Bi...
Unicorns have been written about, described, sketched and drawn for more than 5300 years – and yet, historians want to claim they are a myth? Why do you think that is?
Magic Eye – A Metaphore for Jesus’ Plan
The Magic Eye is an excellent metaphor for Jesus’ plan for us. From a quick glance it looks like a collage of random shapes and colors melded together to create chaos. From the outside looking in, without the instructions, you can not see what the rest of us see. You must first read the directions […]
I am Thankful… are you?
As always, this time of year leads people to pause and consider what all we are so thankful for. It’s one of the best times of year because, if we do it right, it forces us to look at the silver linings in our lives and appreciate them. Our daily lives can be so stressful. […]
Too many people miss the silver lining b...
Have you seen your silver lining? It’s probably that great thing just on this side of your golden dream. The one that wins the lottery, gets the promotion, upgrades to the better house or better car. Too many people miss the silver lining because their expecting gold. Maurice Setter I studied all week and only […]
Planting a Garden – A Memorial
The other day I was told by an acquaintance of mine that her husband had died. It came as quite a shock since I didn’t even know there were any health problems to be praying for. Anyways she told me this story and I wanted to share it with you as it may encourage someone […]
When the world pushes you to your knees;...
I haven’t been in this position in a long time… that being said, now that I have just jinxed it – we’ll see what comes of it. But it’s an interesting quote don’t you think? Life is hard! Things can come at you fast and leave you spiraling at a loss. Someone close could pass […]
Give credit where credit is due
Great discoveries and improvements invariable involve the cooperation of many minds. I may be given credit for having blazed the trail but when I look at the subsequent developments I feel the credit is due to others rather than to myself. – Alexander Graham Bell AMEN! I feel the same way! I work very hard […]
Count Your Blessings
When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. – Someone said “I count my blessings everyday” in a conversation the other day and it got me thinking. […]
Do the Right Thing – Do it All the Time
The other day, driving down my street, I stopped at the stop sign and caught sight of a black bag sitting on the corner. I knew that the school bus picked up there so I figured it was a lunch kit. I went to investigate, and found it was a $1000+ Nikon camera. I knew […]
The Flower that couldn’t be seen….
A friend of mine was stuck in traffic one day when he just happened to look over to the side of the road and see a flowering plant (some may call it a weed – but we’ll get into that in a moment). This flowering plant was stuck in the bottom of the ditch and […]
The greatest test of courage on earth is...
The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. Robert Green Ingersoll Did you lose the game? Did you get passed up for the promotion? Did you receive another rejection letter? If you were defeated in any category of life and stopped trying all together, you’ve failed the test of […]
Stop waiting for life to start
The other night I woke up in a panic, out of breath, with thoughts of all of the things I needed to do, that were coming up, and I was looking forward to. From Christmas wrapping, shipping and giving, parties, dinners and events, to upcoming readings, tradeshows and work. Again I realized that all of […]
Labyrinth 2022 – Refilling the Chalice
Today, before stepping onto the path, I emptied my mind and asked the Lord to open my ears and heart to what he wants me to hear. I began walking, waiting for some spiritual guidance to illuminate my mind, and instead, the OCD in me noticed some of the blue broken glass pieces had been scattered on my pathway.
Pride Goeth Before the Fall – Proverbs 1
What does that REALLY mean? That pride will go away before you fall? Because if that is the case, nothing could be further from the truth, at least, not in my case, as I am sure it is for many of you as well. I’ll tell you, I let my pride hold me back for years. So […]
Coming Toward – An Interpretive Video
There is a song by David Crowder called “Coming Toward” It is an instrumental piece that is repetitive but it keeps building the intensity until finally it resolves. It’s an amazing piece. Anyways, whenever I listen to it an amazing imagery comes to mind and I’ve been seeing it for months. While I would have […]
Fly Away – A Dream. A Poem. A Perception
Fly Away – A Dream by Kathleen J. Shields The other morning I awoke from a fabulous neat dream. As I sat there remembering, I wondered what did it mean? It started in my childhood where I was fed and taught and cared for And followed me throughout my youth, and then went even more […]
Daisy – the Little Pup Who Believed
I just watched this video. It came to me as a forward in my email to which, once viewed, I promptly forwarded on. The message is amazingly inspirational. The story is heart-breaking and heart-warming all at the same time… and yes… I was bawling my eyes out. I was keeping it together fairly good until […]
Sitting at Jesus side
James & John wanted to sit at the right and left side of Jesus, I don’t think that went over well because, and I am assuming, they were hoping for higher positions in heaven than just angels. But for whatever reason, my limited Christian education always gave way for an image of my loved ones […]
What is God’s Plan?
God doesn’t tell us his plan for us. He does that for a reason. So that way we can never fail him. They say that everything happens for a reason, and it’s all part of God’s plan. The point is, we do not know what God’s plan is for us. We have dreams. We have goals in life. We may or may not see them come true.