Choices – Chances – Changes If you make a choice to take a chance, to change your life for good, Will the chance you chose to take, turn out to be the one you should? And how do you know which chance to choose, if change is so uncertain, Cause the change you chose to […]
Grand-daddy may I ask you… a poem
Grand-daddy may I ask you, why is the sky so high? Because the birds, with feathered wings, need places they can fly. Grand-daddy may I ask you, why is the sky so blue? Because my boy, it’s one of those things, that yellow would not do. Grand-daddy may I ask you, why is the grass […]
Count Your Blessings
When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. – Someone said “I count my blessings everyday” in a conversation the other day and it got me thinking. […]
Honoring Mom on Mother’s Day
What do you get mom on such an important day? A card? Flowers? Candy? How about a book written by you, illustrated with love and given with the smile only pride could bring out. That is exactly what I did to honor my mother, even though my mom is no longer with me… Thinking back […]
From Heaven my Mom still makes things ha...
One of mom’s favorite poems that I wrote for Mother’s Day has again made it’s showcase… in a most miraculous way. A few months ago a child called me out of the blue from Detroit. She found this poem and decided I was worth calling to find out how to write poetry. So of course, […]
My Thinking Cap – A Funny Poem
Anyone ever feel like this??? Oh my, oh my, what can I do? I’m filling up with doubt. My thinking cap must have a hole ‘Cause my thoughts keep coming out! The other day I went upstairs, …To get what? I don’t know. And as I stood there like a bump on a log That […]
A Very Leprechaun Christmas
‘Twas the evening ‘fore Christmas and all was asleep
Except for the Big Man and his reindeer peep.
They were blasting through snow clouds, delivering gifts
When Rudolph began sneezing and throwing some fits.
They jerked to the right. Then to the left.
The sled was all jostled and cracked from the heft.
Suddenly the magic that made the sleigh go,
Began pouring from the backside in a sparkly flow.
Directing the reindeer towards the first empty field
He landed that sleigh, hopped out a kneeled.
He took in the damage when the reindeer moaned,
All knew this Christmas would be postponed!
Santa was pacing, bleak and upset.
He was shivering cold and his feet were all wet.
Giving up was not him, but the sled wouldn’t fly,
‘Twas no way the reindeer could get back in the sky!
Fly Away – A Dream. A Poem. A Perception
Fly Away – A Dream by Kathleen J. Shields The other morning I awoke from a fabulous neat dream. As I sat there remembering, I wondered what did it mean? It started in my childhood where I was fed and taught and cared for And followed me throughout my youth, and then went even more […]
National Poetry Month – Be Great!
April marks the month where schools, libraries, publishers, poets, and booksellers celebrate the importance of poetry in our lives. …So I didn’t want to let the month go by without posting at least one poem. Did you know there are 55 types of poetry forms? There’s a ballad, a couplet, an epitaph, free verse, haiku, […]
Sisters in Anguish
Oh look at those shoes – oh my, they’re so cute! Look at those heels. I look so astute. The leather, the lace, the cloth and the buckles, I can’t wait to wear them – each lady chuckles. But lo – when you wear them, your head held up high. You’re feeling so proud […]
A Hundred Pages ’till I Sleep
It’s early Monday morning and I’m up before the dawn, A story on my mind, gotta type but then I yawn. Coffee percolating, sleep wiped from my eyes, I settle down to start before the neighbors’ rooster cries. I’ll listen to the story playing loudly in my head, And transcribe each scene, exactly as they […]
The Power of Prayer Poem
My life was about living, every day about the same. Nothing special to report, because He didn’t know my name. I was lonely and quite hungry, though I didn’t know what for. ‘Cause I hadn’t been to church, so I didn’t know the Lord. When I did attend I went for food, friendship and to […]
Cancelling Christmas | A Poem
It was two days before Christmas and all through the square, people were shopping like they hadn’t a care. Ripping through racks of toys, clothes and shoes, pushing past others, “You gave me a bruise!” They didn’t see the beauty, the lights in the trees, they didn’t sense the magic, the love or the freeze. […]
A Whitaker Owl Poem
Blessed with talent – that’s how I feel, when I think ’bout what we’ve done is surreal. 10 books and counting – 11 on the way, I do what I love, what a wonderful day! So my illustrator, Leigh A. Klug is not only super talented with her ability to illustrate the most captivating faces she […]
I have never started a poem yet whose en...
I have never started a poem yet whose end I knew. Writing a poem is discovering. -Robert Frost I saw this phrase the other day and immediately said, how true! I get an idea for a poem, or a message I’d like for it to portray, but it writes itself through the rhyming words […]
National Poetry Month – Why Do I Write i
Poetry, to me, is a very memorable form of storytelling. Like music, when your favorite song comes on, it’s not only the beat and the rhythm that gets you moving, it’s also the lyrics. Poetry is the same way. Quite a few authors are inspired by emotional situations, and that inspiration flows out of that person like music flows out of a radio. This is why, in my opinion, it is important to do rhyming children’s books. My goal as an author is to get children as excited about reading and writing poetry as I am. I hope you consider checking out my poetry book, “A Rhyme for Everything” or “The First Unibear” or any of my Hamilton Troll children’s books.
#poetry, #author, #childrensbooks, #awardwinning
Portraits of Bygone Days – An Ode to Ame
In a recent trip to see my grandfather I came across an old booklet on his shelf. “Portraits of Bygone Days” by Bessie J. Hemp of Frederick, Maryland self-published in a simple handmade booklet in 1973. Within it were poems she had written and desired to share with friends and family and I came across […]
Advice from the Ocean – A Poem
The other day I came across this picture and I just had to share it – yet I decided to add in my own two cents as well… and since poetry seems to flow through me like air… Be Shore of Yourself When standing on the edge between water and sand, Go ahead and jump, […]
The Pig Who Looked Up – A Poem
Most animals are designed with their bodies to be able to get to their food sources and to escape from danger. So, for giraffes, they have a neck pointed to the tops of the trees. For pigs, their heads are directed downwards. They can only move the head up enough to be level with their […]
Writing Poetry – A Child Shall Lead You…
The other day I received a phone call, completely out of the blue, from a very, very shy child in the Chicago area. She had been scouring the internet apparently looking for poetry and came across the below poem I had written for my mom for mother’s day quite some time ago. She began asking […]