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Left Brain or Right Brain – Which One Ar

Left Brain: Decisive Logical Accurate Analytical Reason Practical Strategic Control Scientific Realistic Right Brain: Intuition Love Poetry Freedom Passionate Vivid Creative Yearning Peace Artistic Cute picture right? Funny. Eye Opening.  I definitely think they left out quite a few words for either side but they couldn’t list them all – it would be too busy […]

Scorpions in the Bed and Pink Dolphins –

First let me apologize for not writing something sooner – I have been so busy!  Between back to back school readings and library visits, to sales for Dandy Lion and then that pesky running my own website and graphic design business as well as getting the latest Hamilton Troll book featuring Elwood Woodpecker published and […]

Nomination: Very Inspiring Blog Award

What a wonderful surprise! Apparently my Mothers Day blog was nominated for the “Very Inspiring Blog Award”. This is a wonderful treat as I had no idea blogging could be so rewarding. I have always intended this blog be inspirational and educational, and am thrilled to know that my heartfelt post about my late mother […]

Honoring Mom on Mother’s Day

What do you get mom on such an important day? A card? Flowers? Candy?  How about a book written by you, illustrated with love and given with the smile only pride could bring out.  That is exactly what I did to honor my mother, even though my mom is no longer with me… Thinking back […]

I was just nominated for the Shine On Aw...

Hi everyone, I just wanted to share this, I was just nominated for the Shine On Award at Apparently I did or am doing something right. The rules require me to display the award on my blog, link back, state 7 things about myself, nominate other bloggers and notify them. Since I just started […]

Thank You To My Friends

Someone posted a meme the other day that really resonated with me. It said:
“You don’t realize how antisocial you are
until there’s a pandemic and nothing much changes in your life.”
With this stay-at-home order in various cities around me and across the country, everyone is seemingly going stir-crazy. They aren’t used to being stuck at home, having nothing to do… but for weeks – nothing much has changed in MY life.

Imagination is Key – What does that mean

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books

Imagination is the mental ability to create new ideas or concepts. It is the mind’s way of creating things and situations that aren’t there. “Imagination is Key” is my mantra. It is why I write what I write and why I encourage all children to use their imagination. My motto is “The Only Limitation is […]

PAWsitive Vibes – Dogs, provides a Posit

When I first met Preston Mitchum, Jr. he was standing in the foyer of my grandfather’s home awaiting payment for lawn care services. My grandfather introduced us, we said generic hello’s, and that was about it. A year or so later I went back to Maryland to help my grandfather and saw Preston out in […]

From Heaven my Mom still makes things ha...

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books hamilton troll

One of mom’s favorite poems that I wrote for Mother’s Day has again made it’s showcase… in a most miraculous way. A few months ago a child called me out of the blue from Detroit. She found this poem and decided I was worth calling to find out how to write poetry.  So of course, […]

The Painting 3 – Available Now!

The Painting 3 Book 3 of the Painting Trilogy by author Kathleen J. Shields

I am so excited to announce that the third book of the Painting trilogy is now available! The Painting 3 by Kathleen J. Shields The Painting 3 is now available! Happy Birthday to me! Buy the third book of this inspirational trilogy today at Amazon, Barnes and Noble or anywhere books are sold online including […]

The Etiquette of Book Selling

The Etiquette of Book Selling: Learn tips and tricks on how to make the best first impression. Discover decorating ideas for you and your display. Impress your customers with sales etiquette that will inspire positive communications.

Be a Good You and Let Them Through

The other day I was stuck in traffic, construction traffic, with no shoulders, no turn lanes and then came the train.  Cars were backed up as far as the eye could see and we waited… And waited. Finally the train ended, the gates went up and the traffic started flowing – slowly. As my side […]

DEAR Texas Radio Interview Part 9

Interviewed by DEAR TEXAS Radio: Author Kathleen J. Shields tells all! These past weeks I’ve posted clips from my radio interview from Wimberley Valley Radio 94.1 FM KWVH and their latest show DEAR Texas Radio. The last two questions, in my opinion, were the most important because they gave me a chance to inspire others. […]

If kids aren’t supposed to take candy fr

Don’t take candy from strangers! Do parents still tell that to children? Do parents still teach their children about the dangers of drugs laced in candy or razor blades in chocolate? I remember those talks vividly. I remember mom saying, don’t ever eat an unwrapped piece of candy. Always have her check the candy first. […]

Butter your palms

Ever since we started creating this cookbook for children, I’ve been scouring recipe websites to gain inspiration and insight. I’m not taking recipes, that would be plagiarism, I’m trying to learn what I can because I’m normally not allowed in the kitchen. When Carol wanted to do popcorn balls, I started researching what we were […]

My Thinking Cap – A Funny Poem

Anyone ever feel like this??? Oh my, oh my, what can I do? I’m filling up with doubt. My thinking cap must have a hole ‘Cause my thoughts keep coming out! The other day I went upstairs, …To get what?  I don’t know. And as I stood there like a bump on a log That […]