What a wonderful surprise!
Apparently my Mothers Day blog was nominated for the “Very Inspiring Blog Award”. This is a wonderful treat as I had no idea blogging could be so rewarding.
I have always intended this blog be inspirational and educational, and am thrilled to know that my heartfelt post about my late mother has the potential to receive an award. Thank you to all of my followers who have read and keep reading what I post.
The Rules: Display logo, link back, share 7 things, nominate and notify.
And the nominees are:
- Chris the Story Reading Ape’s Blog
- Kathleen Shields
- Angela Jordan
- Helen Valentina
- JZ Bingham
- Jennifer Writingsofamrs
- Chelsea Brown
- Megan (Ask Meg)
- Julie Green
- Sabine Chennault
- The Big Sheep Blog
- Catherine Caffeinated
- Imagineer-ing
- 23thorns
- Brook Monforts’ Weblog
7 more things about myself:
1. I am an only child
2. I have 4 dogs
3. The Chatterton Book was inspired by true events that happened in my front yard
4. My favorite color is pink
5. My car is a mobile advertisement for Hamilton Troll
6. I love Italian food
7. I love ice cream
Thank you again! This is really great!
This is VERY exciting!! How do I vote?