This morning our pastor gave quite a powerful sermon. The story may be “Jesus is coming,” but her message was “He’s already here.” At the end she asked, would you kneel before Jesus… And she knelt down. I thought, “I should kneel down too.” God put it in my head and twice I ignored him.
I looked out at the congregation from the choir loft and didn’t see anyone else stir, so I thought I misunderstood. The pastor doesn’t want us to follow. I didn’t want to interrupt the moment or do something I wasn’t supposed to. What do I know? I’m still learning. Besides, it was too late.
I talked myself out of it.
Then the pastor noticed one person kneel. She thanked her. Again I thought, I should kneel too. But again I looked out at the congregation and no one else moved, so again I talked myself out of it. If I did it now I would be a copy cat. I would be seen as doing it for the attention. I was really too late this time.
Twice I ignored Jesus’s will.
I feel really bad about that now. I allowed my human emotions, fears, worries, trepidation, stop me from following my Lords will. What I want to tell you, is don’t allow that to happen.
So often we don’t praise His name because we don’t want to offend or make someone uncomfortable. How often have we said cool instead of Amen, awesome instead of Hallelujah.
When you think it, do it. Don’t reconsider for fear. He died for us. The least we can do is listen when he speaks to our hearts.
You got it! You may have been the only one but you got it!!!
Grace and Peace, Rev. Kimberly L. Burke (830) 935-2171
…bear with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4