If life’s stresses are getting you down. If the news just seems too dire. If the same old challenge-filled shows are not your cup of tea anymore and the evil they are trying to pass as entertainment is turning you off… then I highly encourage you to check out This Is Us.
Chrysalis BREW Book Award
How to Write, Market & Sell Children’s B
Are you an aspiring children’s book author eager to see your stories in print? Discover the ultimate guide that takes you from idea to successful publication. “How to Write, Market and Sell Children’s Books” is your comprehensive companion through every stage of the publishing journey. Packed with 460 pages of invaluable insights accumulated over 24 years in the industry, this book leaves no stone unturned.
How to Write, Market & Sell Children’s B
Are you an aspiring children’s book author eager to see your stories in print? Discover the ultimate guide that takes you from idea to successful publication. “How to Write, Market and Sell Children’s Books” is your comprehensive companion through every stage of the publishing journey. Packed with 460 pages of invaluable insights accumulated over 24 years in the industry, this book leaves no stone unturned.
The 5300 Year History of Unicorns and Bi...
Unicorns have been written about, described, sketched and drawn for more than 5300 years – and yet, historians want to claim they are a myth? Why do you think that is?
The First Unicorn wins its First (of man...
“Your book deserves extraordinary praise!” I am super happy to announce that my latest book, “The First Unicorn” has won its first book award! While I am not surprised, as I feel this story has so much inspiration and guidance to give, I am humbled to know that it was chosen to receive an award. […]
The Decorative Box – Funny Story
Once upon a time there was an ultra-fancy, intricately designed, decorative box. It shined on the store shelf and screamed at me those taunting words “come buy me!” So gladly, I did. I brought it home and I was so proud of it. I then looked around at my house and paused. Where will I put this beautifully designed box? On a side table? On a shelf? In my closet?
The First Unicorn – See the Illustration
The First Unibear may have been my Mona Lisa… but The First Unicorn is going to be my Sistine Chapel!
Why did I write The First Unicorn
I love unicorns. I have loved unicorns since I was a very young child. I collected porcelain unicorn statues, unicorn posters and absolutely fell in love with the movie “The Last Unicorn”. I was drawn to anything about unicorns because they were beautiful, magical and good. They represented innocence, love and strength… like Jesus.
Why Children are enamored with Unicorns
Almost everyone knows what a unicorn is, but do you know where they came from? Who was the first unicorn? How did he get his golden horn? And why did others follow in his footsteps?
The Painting Receives Outstanding Book R...
“In The Painting by Kathleen J. Shields, the author has taken one of the most controversial topics and written the most inspiring, heartfelt story I have had the privilege to read in a long time.”
No Resolutions for 2014
What are resolutions anyway? It is the process of resolving a problem. But what if you don’t have a problem? Just kidding… Actually, I say if your resolutions are to lose weight, quit smoking, get organized, or spend less, you are doomed to fail (shy 8% – which is the statistic of those who actually succeed […]
Magic Eye – A Metaphore for Jesus’ Plan
The Magic Eye is an excellent metaphor for Jesus’ plan for us. From a quick glance it looks like a collage of random shapes and colors melded together to create chaos. From the outside looking in, without the instructions, you can not see what the rest of us see. You must first read the directions […]
The older I grow the more I distrust the...
The older I grow the more I distrust that familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom. H. L. Mencken One of the guys at breakfast club said this a while back and while I burst out laughing, it also made me think. “I was looking at a guy who had really white hair thinking to myself […]
Laughter is the best medicine.
What was it that said you should laugh every day? Have you ever gone a day without laughing? A chuckle, a giggle a simple smile? I know that when I am stressed out, even funny jokes don’t get me laughing. Sometimes I hear my husband barrel laughing so loud he’s falling out of his chair […]
The 3 C’s of Life – another poem
Choices – Chances – Changes If you make a choice to take a chance, to change your life for good, Will the chance you chose to take, turn out to be the one you should? And how do you know which chance to choose, if change is so uncertain, Cause the change you chose to […]
To escape criticism – do nothing, say no
Oh those dreaded rejection letters! Your story doesn’t fit us, your story isn’t marketable, you can’t write… I made that last one up, they don’t say that anymore (political correctness and all) but it used to happen. Did you know that Rudyard Kipling was told he didn’t know how to use the English language and […]
Grand-daddy may I ask you… a poem
Grand-daddy may I ask you, why is the sky so high? Because the birds, with feathered wings, need places they can fly. Grand-daddy may I ask you, why is the sky so blue? Because my boy, it’s one of those things, that yellow would not do. Grand-daddy may I ask you, why is the grass […]
The most motivational words in history: ...
I betcha can’t guess what this is. I betcha can’t beat this. I betcha can’t hold your breath for… I betcha can’t have just one. I betcha can’t do this… I betcha can’t catch me. Life, for me, is an I betcha can’t enticement, pushing me harder and harder to successfully accomplish each goal. In […]
Encouraging Children to Write
As a children’s book author, I have found it incredibly important to be active in schools as my audience is there 75% of the year. Yet that being said, how do you make it worth the teacher’s time? One of the key things I like to do upon reading a book to the students is […]
It is the little bits of things that fre...
Okay that statement is so true it’s hilarious! Can you imagine not being able to dodge an elephant? I mean they are big, yes. They can move, yes. But I’ve never seen an elephant land in my soup! Yet let’s analyze that just a wee bit deeper, shall we? It’s the little things that worry […]