I love unicorns. I have loved unicorns since I was a very young child. I collected porcelain unicorn statues, unicorn posters and absolutely fell in love with the movie “The Last Unicorn”. I was drawn to anything about unicorns because they were beautiful, magical and good. They represented innocence, love and strength… like Jesus.
Why Children are enamored with Unicorns
Almost everyone knows what a unicorn is, but do you know where they came from? Who was the first unicorn? How did he get his golden horn? And why did others follow in his footsteps?
Art is a collaboration between God and t...
Art is a collaboration between God and the artist and the less the artist does the better. Andre Gide I am not an artist! Or at least I have told myself that. I was told I was wrong. If you can paint a picture with paint, you are an artist. If you can paint a […]
Which came first God or the Believer?
Like the old phrase which came first the chicken or the egg, this idea came to me earlier today. It made me really think because there are so many ways we can go with this question. God came first – he made the universe. We wouldn’t exist without him. The Believer came first – without […]
Life is about Perspective
I was thinking about God the other day and how He ‘looks out after all of us’ throughout our life’s journey. It’s quite amazing actually, how He can ‘see all’ when we can’t see what’s just around the corner. It occurred to me that it is all about perspective. When we are living through our […]
The Power of Prayer Poem
My life was about living, every day about the same. Nothing special to report, because He didn’t know my name. I was lonely and quite hungry, though I didn’t know what for. ‘Cause I hadn’t been to church, so I didn’t know the Lord. When I did attend I went for food, friendship and to […]
What if God never painted the humans?
That was a question that was posed to me in a dream and it led me on the most amazing journey… My dream was about a boy named Gerald and he was feeling quite lonely (as was I at the time). I awoke after he completed painting an entire world on a blank canvas from […]
Electrical Faith
So last week our pastor did a sermon that at one point connected electricity to faith. She gave a few examples that definitely got my creative juices flowing. So I wanted to share some of what she said and a bit of some I came up with. Electricity You can’t really see it. You don’t […]
Thank You with Pictures!
This weekends Celebration of Authors dinner in Austin was amazing! Not only did we get to meet some amazing Texas talent, eat a wonderful meal and receive awards and recognition for our books, we were blessed by God! From one conversation to the next, I heard inspirational stories, faith-based discussions, conversations of prayer, thank yous […]
What did we ever do without GPS?
The other day I came across a comic… A single image of a tight rope walker, focusing on his handheld GPS, walking a 90 degree angle off of his tightrope, with the GPS saying “Recalculating…” See below… It took me a second to realize the funny, but when I did, I laughed out loud. I […]
Our Labyrinth
Our church has a labyrinth. It was built by our members to provide a place to find the loving spirit of the lord. And this blog message is about my journey on the labyrinth the other day. I know it’s long but I felt I had to share it with you. Our labyrinth is located […]