The Magic Eye is an excellent metaphor for Jesus’ plan for us. From a quick glance it looks like a collage of random shapes and colors melded together to create chaos. From the outside looking in, without the instructions, you can not see what the rest of us see. You must first read the directions […]
Coming Toward – An Interpretive Video
There is a song by David Crowder called “Coming Toward” It is an instrumental piece that is repetitive but it keeps building the intensity until finally it resolves. It’s an amazing piece. Anyways, whenever I listen to it an amazing imagery comes to mind and I’ve been seeing it for months. While I would have […]
It is too easy to not listen to Jesus
This morning our pastor gave quite a powerful sermon. The story may be “Jesus is coming,” but her message was “He’s already here.” At the end she asked, would you kneel before Jesus… And she knelt down. I thought, “I should kneel down too.” God put it in my head and twice I ignored him. […]