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Hamilton Troll is on MagicBlox

Have you heard of MagicBlox? If not, let me tell you about them. In 2009 MagicBlox set out to provide quality ebooks for children 1-13 on an interactive platform for children and they allowed for the implementation of audio files to be connected so the story can be read to younger children as they look […]

Troll Patrol – Stopping Bullies, Before

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books hamilton troll

PAWS for Friendship Canyon Lake, TX – Award-winning author, Kathleen J. Shields, releases her latest Hamilton Troll book with the objective of stopping bullies, before they start. In collaboration with local elementary school teachers, Shields’ has created the Troll Patrol with the goal of promoting β€œPAWS for Friendship”. The mission of β€œPAWS for Friendship” – […]

Elwood asked questions

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books hamilton troll

If you want to know something, you ask about it. If you don’t understand, you ask questions. That’s what Hamilton Troll and Elwood Woodpecker did, they didn’t know what something was so they sought out the Beaver Brothers and asked them. That’s how you learn new things. That’s how you become smart and that’s how […]

Award-Winning Book – First Place

Excellent news Hamilton Troll fans… We WON the 2014 Texas Association of Authors Book Contest for Best Children’s Book under 7! That is right! Hamilton Troll meets Dinosaurs is now an Award-Winning Book! . I know I couldn’t have done it without my super talented illustrators Leigh A. Klug and Carol W. Bryant whom I […]

Latest Release: Hamilton Troll meets Whi...

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books hamilton troll

Whooo thinks owls are cool? I do! And in this 7th story of the on-going Hamilton Troll Adventures we meet Whitaker Owl who is currently being taught by his parents how to hoot properly. Unfortunately, he needs a LOT of practice!Β  The good news is he can fly really great! And when a bear approaches […]