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National Poetry Month – Be Great!

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books

April marks the month where schools, libraries, publishers, poets, and booksellers celebrate the importance of poetry in our lives. …So I didn’t want to let the month go by without posting at least one poem. Did you know there are 55 types of poetry forms? There’s a ballad, a couplet, an epitaph, free verse, haiku, […]

I have never started a poem yet whose en...

I have never started a poem yet whose end I knew. Writing a poem is discovering.  -Robert Frost   I saw this phrase the other day and immediately said, how true! I get an idea for a poem, or a message I’d like for it to portray, but it writes itself through the rhyming words […]

National Poetry Month – Why Do I Write i

author kathleen shields interview about poetry

Poetry, to me, is a very memorable form of storytelling. Like music, when your favorite song comes on, it’s not only the beat and the rhythm that gets you moving, it’s also the lyrics. Poetry is the same way. Quite a few authors are inspired by emotional situations, and that inspiration flows out of that person like music flows out of a radio. This is why, in my opinion, it is important to do rhyming children’s books. My goal as an author is to get children as excited about reading and writing poetry as I am. I hope you consider checking out my poetry book, “A Rhyme for Everything” or “The First Unibear” or any of my Hamilton Troll children’s books.
#poetry, #author, #childrensbooks, #awardwinning