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Square vs PayPal credit card processing

Many years ago my husband and I ran a business where we had a credit card processing terminal. It was a good size box that needed electricity and a phone line. Cost a monthly equipment fee, plus processing and transaction fees. It was quite nice to have even with the fees as it helped our business […]

Understanding Publishing Terms

What is a Traditional Book Publisher? A company that buys the rights to your manuscript. Don’t want to sell the rights to your book? See small press publisher, subsidiary publisher or self publishing. What is Subsidy Publishing? A subsidy publisher shares publishing costs with the author. The publisher typically markets the book through online retailers. […]

Submitting your manuscript to a publishe...

You are in! A traditional publisher has accepted your query submission and wants to read your manuscript – excellent. As with every other step though, you must do this right. Read their submission form carefully. If they want an electronic version, don’t mail them a paper version. What are some of the guidelines? If they […]

10 Most Common Grammatical Mistakes

As an author (or reader) I see grammatical mistakes everywhere and cringe. While I see it primarily with friends, family, collages and fans – I cringe most when I see other authors doing it. Yes we edit our work – but I try incredibly hard NOT to make those mistakes (especially on social media) because the […]

Wiki? Hamilton Troll

Hamilton Troll – Species Classification (A short chap with a cheery smile, whose face can be seen as far as a mile) The word troll brings about fear and disgust in many people. There are plenty of stories and variations of troll species, most of which exhibit unfavorable traits and bad behaviors. Some say trolls […]

Where are the book sales?

I just received a newsletter entitled “Why won’t my book sell?” and to be honest, after reading it, I felt they were doing the author wrong…   They start out with: You wrote a good book, you are pleased with its looks, you’ve done some social marketing but the sales you’ve gotten are mostly from […]

Call To Write Challenge!

Children!   Parents!   Teachers! Here is a creative writing assignment that children will jump for. The Dream World Defenders Call To Write CHALLENGE ~ Where Children Can: Become Published Authors! All you have to do is : Read this action-packed, imaginative book by Award-Winning Author Kathleen J. Shields Write Your Own Short Story Ending Then […]

Dream World Defenders – Challenge!

Hello Everyone – My new Book is out!! I am so excited about the debut of this book but even more-so for the Writing Challenge. This is an opportunity for every child, who has ever dreamed about becoming a published author, to get their chance! Press Release: Kathleen J. Shields, award-winning author of the Hamilton […]

Getting Children Writing

Children have the most amazingly creative imaginations!  The stories they can envision thanks to their curiosity and innocence, portray the kind of magic and mystery that gets lost into adulthood. This is why award-winning author Kathleen J. Shields has written Dream World Defenders. Not only is this story an action-packed, mind-blowing, anything-can-happen adventure; it excites […]

Website Frustration & the Good ol’ Days

The other day I received an email from my grandfather, basically venting, regarding the frustration he experienced while attempting to order a couple of bath mats online. I read through his email and started to chuckle, because we all have been there. Links that don’t work Not compatible with Internet Explorer Flash that isn’t operating […]

Monopoly didn’t teach us right

I used to play Monopoly with a young friend of mine. He was actually very good. He would buy a property and immediately put a hotel on it that way he can get the largest amount of rent. I would buy a property and maybe put a house on it, that way I could get […]

Troll Patrol – Stopping Bullies, Before

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books hamilton troll

PAWS for Friendship Canyon Lake, TX – Award-winning author, Kathleen J. Shields, releases her latest Hamilton Troll book with the objective of stopping bullies, before they start. In collaboration with local elementary school teachers, Shields’ has created the Troll Patrol with the goal of promoting “PAWS for Friendship”. The mission of “PAWS for Friendship” – […]