This event is will be huge! 40+ Texas Authors will be in Attendance 200+ Texas Authors will be Represented Sponsored by: HEB, Wimberley Valley Radio, Wimberley Valley Tourism Association, Wesner Media and the Texas Association of Authors This is an inaugural event that you won’t want to miss! If you like books… if you like […]
My Origin Story
This weekend I took the AME a marketing event for authors designed to increase your ability to make book sales. It was wonderful learning about so many new techniques… some of which you’ll see utilized in the coming months. That being said one of the classes discussed the importance of the origin story – the […]
So many things, so much to say…
If I would have had the time I would have prepared quite a bit of news, but alas time slipped away from me, just as my grandfather did this past month. While the past 30 days have been quite emotional, those feelings were mixed. There was sadness blended with happiness, joy combined with grief and celebration jumbled […]
Thank You with Pictures!
This weekends Celebration of Authors dinner in Austin was amazing! Not only did we get to meet some amazing Texas talent, eat a wonderful meal and receive awards and recognition for our books, we were blessed by God! From one conversation to the next, I heard inspirational stories, faith-based discussions, conversations of prayer, thank yous […]
DEAR Texas – April 12
DROP EVERYTHING AND READ TEXAS Takes place on Sunday, April 12th and while the Texas Association of Authors wants everyone in Texas to stop what you are doing and pick up a good book today – we also want you to know that there will be: 86 Texas Authors in 24 Cities and 30 Book […]