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Halloween Inspiration

Happy Halloween Everyone! I wasn’t sure I’d be able to write a post this Halloween – you see, this was my father’s favorite day of the year. I grew up with a dad who’d terrorize me with his many masks throughout the year in order to prepare me for the chaos that would ensue on […]

Is prayer, perception?

Today at church our pastor was teaching us about prayer.  It led to a conversation with someone after church, whom I only know in passing.  A conversation that stayed with me through lunch, through folding laundry, vacuuming and through writing this post.  What I learned may only be for me, but I felt it was insightful […]

A Blessed Memorial Day

Of all of the reasons,     of all of the people,         of all of the pictures,              and all of the messages… Memorial Day is about this…           No caption,               no sentence,                   no title,                       can say it more appropriately                           than the feeling you feel in your heart,                               when you […]