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God Moments for Easter

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books

In March my grandfather passed away. While emotionally trying, I have to admit, the frequent and blatant God Moments assisted the grieving process in a way that made the entire time, dare I say it – pleasant. KNOWING that my grandfather was with God and the rest of my family; my mom, my aunt, my […]

National Poetry Month – Be Great!

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books

April marks the month where schools, libraries, publishers, poets, and booksellers celebrate the importance of poetry in our lives. …So I didn’t want to let the month go by without posting at least one poem. Did you know there are 55 types of poetry forms? There’s a ballad, a couplet, an epitaph, free verse, haiku, […]

Sitting at Jesus Side Part 2: Reincarnat...

In a previous post, I was thinking about the idea of sitting at Jesus side, or at the very least having some time to socialize with Jesus upon arrival to heaven. Mathematically, I determined that 1.8 people die every second which led to an average of one person per side, per second for all eternity. […]

Which came first God or the Believer?

Which came first God or the Believer? Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books

Like the old phrase which came first the chicken or the egg, this idea came to me earlier today. It made me really think because there are so many ways we can go with this question. God came first – he made the universe. We wouldn’t exist without him. The Believer came first – without […]

Labyrinth 2: Finding Peace

Lately at church, I haven’t been feeling ‘it’. I tend to leave feeling emptier than when I arrived. That is the exact opposite of what church used to do for me. There are many reasons for that – excuses… working harder, following my dreams, leaving others behind, lost loved ones, oh and that darn biological […]

Discussion Questions for “The Painting”

Award Winning Author Kathleen J Shields educational books

Book Clubs Bible Study Youth Groups Personal Growth “The Painting” tends to yank out emotions long ago suppressed by older individuals and incite conversations and deep thoughts long after the cover has been closed. To assist in engaging in discussion whether book clubs, youth groups or even bible studies, the author has put together an […]

Cancelling Christmas | A Poem

It was two days before Christmas and all through the square, people were shopping like they hadn’t a care. Ripping through racks of toys, clothes and shoes, pushing past others, “You gave me a bruise!” They didn’t see the beauty, the lights in the trees, they didn’t sense the magic, the love or the freeze. […]

Why God gives you trials.

The other day I was reminded of something from my past and I thought I could use it as a teaching tool. A long while ago, I worked for a small business owner. I was very good at my job and he knew it. He left me in charge of his business, as manager because […]

Is prayer, perception?

Today at church our pastor was teaching us about prayer.  It led to a conversation with someone after church, whom I only know in passing.  A conversation that stayed with me through lunch, through folding laundry, vacuuming and through writing this post.  What I learned may only be for me, but I felt it was insightful […]

Do I matter?

The other day I was revisiting old pictures of my late dog Smurphy and I came across a few that took me aback. Pictures that, by themselves wouldn’t have had any significant meaning – were reminders of past sighs and disappointments. You see our entertainment system cycles through hundreds of family pictures and whenever I […]

I am not home

There is a song by a Christian group called Building429. The song is called “Where I Belong” and I love singing with it on my way to or from tradeshows every weekend. My favorite verse is “I’m not home yet”. This song is upbeat and fun. It reminds me no matter what kind of day […]

Electrical Faith

So last week our pastor did a sermon that at one point connected electricity to faith. She gave a few examples that definitely got my creative juices flowing. So I wanted to share some of what she said and a bit of some I came up with. Electricity You can’t really see it. You don’t […]

It is too easy to not listen to Jesus

This morning our pastor gave quite a powerful sermon. The story may be “Jesus is coming,” but her message was “He’s already here.”  At the end she asked, would you kneel before Jesus… And she knelt down. I thought, “I should kneel down too.” God put it in my head and twice I ignored him. […]

Stop Waiting for Life to Begin

It occurred to me the other day, that we are all waiting for something. When we are younger we are waiting for the next day. We’re waiting for school to end, waiting for the week to end, we’re waiting for the year to end. Then we wait for the summer to end, wait until junior […]